Contact Us


Providing you with superior customer service is of great importance. We will make every effort to get back to you within 2-4 business hours.

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For all other general questions & inquiries, click here to send us a message.


Showroom Address:
5620 International Pkwy, New Hope, MN 55428


Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday: 8:30 am - 6:00 pm CST
Saturday & Sunday: By appointment only

Phone: 763-551-1441  |  877-224-4899



This website and various aspects of this website may be protected by federal statutory and common law copyright protection, federal statutory and common law trademark and service mark protection, federal statutory and common law trade dress protection and federal patent protection.  Any infringement of the intellectual property rights of this website will be aggressively prosecuted. Verification of such may be made by the patent, trademark, and copyright law firm of JOHNSON AND PHUNG PLLC, website and more specifically, Thomas Phung of