Kit# 3011.7207 | Hewitt

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Boat Lift Boss brings new power to your lift. Harness the power and maximize the potential with the right installation kit for your lift. Each installation kit has the hardware and custom parts to install a Boat Lift Boss in 15-20 minutes. You get the clean, stable mount that can only come from a custom mount kit. Corrosion resistant hardware. Fits: Beach King, Daka, Dockrite, Extreme Max, Lorenz, Newmans, Pier Pleasure, Ridgeline, Shoremaster, and Vibo Box Winch.


  • Extreme Max Boat Lift Boss Installation Kit (required for use with Extreme Max Boat Lift Boss 12 Volt and 120 Volt)
  • Fits: Hewitt (All Models)
  • Direct Bolt-On: For Factory OEM Winch
  • Corrosion-resistant hardware
  • 15-20 minute installation
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