Mud Paddle for Lake Groomer

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  • Lake Weed Groomer Mud Paddle Roller Attachment for lake Muck Removal
  • Lake Groomer Mud Paddle for lake Muck Removal
  • Lake Groomer Mud Paddle for lake Muck Removal


A Mud Paddle is also available to aid in driving through muck extreme conditions. If you have 6 or more inches of sediment on the bottom of your shoreline where you plan to operate the Lake Groomer we suggest using the Mud Paddle to avoid getting the weed rollers stuck and potentially damaging components. The paddle will also need to be removed when the muck is decreased. Running the unit with the mud paddle with little or no muck will damage the paddle and possibly the Lake Groomer.

For more information and advice on operating the Lake Groomer in muck we recommend reading this post.

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