Water Hyacinth

Water HyacinthIdentifying Water Hyacinth

Physical Characteristics


  • Under water: long and thin
  • Above water: wide, usually spongy


  • Floating plant


  • Slightly 2-lipped
  • 6 stamen
  • Long anthers attached near the base
  • Showy, light blue to bluish purple
  • 1.5 to 2.25 inches long and wide


  • Roots at end of leaves

Water Hyacinth Control For Lakes and Ponds

Physical Management of Water Hyacinth

Since Water Hyacinth is a floating plant it can be removed by raking or skimming the ponds surface. It has the ability to multiply rapidly and may take multiple cleanings throughout the year to keep it under control using a rake or skimmer.

Products To Physically Manage Water Hyacinth

Rake Zilla-          RakeZilla

The RakeZilla is our newest invention and our customers just love it! This product can easily collect and scoop up Water Hyacinth at the bottom or floating on top of your lake or pond.

The RakeZilla comes with an extra wide 3 foot rake head with unbreakable 9 inch long teeth and a 7 foot or 11 foot long handle with a 25 foot rope that allows you to reach way out into your lake or pond. It weighs just 6.5 pounds and the optional float mount makes it the perfect tool for skimming Water Hyacinth off the surface or your lake or pond.


Parachute Skimmer-          Parachute Skimmer

Our parachute skimmer measure 5 feet in width and comes with a 24 foot pull line. It is constructed of 2 horizontal bars, one which has a floating device, and a screening net.

When you throw the parachute skimmer into the lake or pond, the bottom bar drops and creates an opening to collect Water Hyacinth into the net as you pull it back to shore or to your boat.


Automated Control of Water Hyacinth

For lake and pond management companies, automated control of Water Hyacinth is ideal when you have a large lake or pond that has been overtaken by the weed.

Automated Products To Control Water Hyacinth

Aquatic Weed Harvester-          Eco Harvester

For lake and pond management companies, our Eco Harvester pulls Water Hyacinth up from the roots and harvests them to be reused as mulch or animal feed.

The Eco Harvester can operate in as little as 12 inches of water and is built so it only takes one person to operate. Additionally, our patent protected Eco Harvester is one-third the price of traditional harvesters, making it one of the most affordable Water Hyacinth removal machines on the market.


Herbicide Control of Water Hyacinth

Herbicide control is a great option for Water Hyacinth because you can literally apply the herbicide and then sit back and let it do its work. Most herbicides can control Water Hyacinth throughout the season and only needs to be applied once a year.

Herbicide Products To Control Water Hyacinth

Rodeo Herbicide-          Rodeo Herbicide + Adjuvant

Rodeo herbicide is extremely effective at killing Water Hyacinth at its roots and preventing it from coming back for years. Its active ingredient is Glyphosate† N-(phosphonomethyl) glycine, isopropylamine salt which has shown to be practically not-toxic to freshwater invertebrates.  The Adjuvant helps speed up the process of effectiveness of Rodeo herbicide to produce even better results.

After applying Rodeo herbicide you should start to see results within 2 to 4 days and within 7 to 10 days your Water Hyacinth problem should disappear. However, you want to make sure there is no rain in sight for 6 hours after applying for maximum results.

          Clipper Herbicide

Clipper herbicide shows signs of Water Hyacinth eradication within hours of application and generally yields a complete kill within 7 to 14 days. The active ingredient in Clipper is Flumioxazin which was approved for aquatic use in 2010.

When using this product be sure to follow the instructions on the bottle carefully. Besides Clipper herbicide you will need to mix with water that has a pH of 5 to 7 and a spray tank. Do not apply Clipper herbicide more than once every 28 days.


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