Oxygen Based Pond Rock & Feature Algae Remover

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  • Oxygen Based Pond Rock and Feature Algae Remover Cleaner Powder
  • Oxygen Based Pond Rock & Feature Algae Remover cleaner powder
$13.95 - $39.95


Pond Algae Remover - Remove Algae From Pond Decorations

HELLO PONDS" Oxy Based Rock & Waterfall Cleaner Quickly and effectively cleans rocks, waterfalls, pondless features, fountains, statues, plant pots, etc.

  • Quickly and effectively cleans rocks, waterfalls, pondless features, fountains, statues, plant pots, etc.
  • Powdered formula brings powerful oxygen based cleaning to large ponds or lakes as well as smaller koi ponds, water gardens and aquariums
  • Safe for use with fish, birds, pets and wildlife
  • Works immediately upon application
  • Lifts debris to pond surface where it can be removed by net or skimmer

Application for waterfalls and streams: Turn the pump off and apply light layer of product. Apply approximately 1 lb. of powder for every 400-500 square feet to problem areas, such as rocks and waterfalls. Wait 10-20 minutes before turning pump back on.

Pond application:

Heavy Dose: Apply 3-4 oz. per 1000 gallons of pond water every 2-4 weeks or as needed.

Light Dose: Apply 1-2 oz. per 1000 gallons of pond water every 2-4 weeks or as needed. Allow 48 hours between consecutive applications. Avoid contact with plant leaves. Product may cause short term spikes in pH levels, check pH before applying.

Treat no more than 1/3 of the pond at a time


1/2lb Bag  |  2lb Bag  |  4lb Bag  | 8lb Pail



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1 Review

  • 5

    Posted by don on 23rd Sep 2018

    Works better than other product used at a reduced cost

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