Cutrine Plus Algeacide with Aquatic Adjuvant

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Cutrine Plus + AB Adjuvant
  • Cutrine Plus Algeacide with Aquatic Adjuvant
  • Cutrine Plus Algeacide with Aquatic Adjuvant
$62.95 - $122.95


INCLUDES: 1 gal. or 2.5 gal. of Cutrine Plus and 1 Quart Turbulence Adjuvant | Vegetable Oil and Surfactant Blend

TOGETHER THEY KILL ALGAE FASTER: Using these two products in conjunction with each other will increase the algaecides effectiveness

CUTRINE PLUS: A concentrated liquid algaecide with a wide range of labeled use sites. Contains chelated copper which stays in solution to continue controlling a broad range of algae well after application. Waters treated with this product may be used immediately for fishing, swimming, livestock or irrigating or drinking.

Turbulence Adjuvant | Vegetable Oil and Surfactant Blend:

Turbulence™ is an aquatic adjuvant that is uniquely formulated to promote consistent performance of postemergent herbicides. Turbulence aids fast spreading and uniform distribution and absorption of spray on leaf and stem surfaces through a unique blend of methylated vegetable oil and an organosilicone-surfactant system. This enhances herbicide performance potential, especially on perennial weeds and brush.

Methylated vegetable oil, polyether modified polyisiloxane, alkyphenol ethyoxylte
Size: 32 ounces

Ground or aquatic: 3 to 6 pints per 100 gallons of spray solution or according to label requirements
Aerial: 6 to 16 pints per 100 gallons of spray solution or according to label requirements
Common use rates: 4 fluid ounces per acre; 8 to 12 fluid ounces"

Shipping Restrictions! This Product Cannot be Shipped to: Alaska or Canada

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