Cutrine Ultra Liquid Algaecide

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ABOUT CUTRINE ULTRA: Applied Biochemists has improved standard 9% double chelated Cutrine-Plus through the addition of an emulsified surfactant. Cutrine Ultra is a liquid algaecide that is works best with resistant strains of algae, and is particularly useful in targeting filamentous populations. Paired with our stronger AB Adjuvant, this herbicide can provide users with increased effectiveness, saving time and money. NOTICE:  Cutrine Ultra CANNOT be shipped due to USA regulations. Available for in-store pickup only.

WANT TO GET EVEN MORE ALGAE KILLING POWER OUT OF YOUR ALGAECIDE?  Try adding Algae-Blitz Bio-Catalyst.  Algae-Blitz is an Algicide Booster that you mix with copper based algicides to work up to 4 TIMES better than just using an algaecide only.  Watch the video below to learn how it works!


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