How to Get Rid of Algae in a Lake

How to Get Rid of Algae in a Lake

How to Get Rid of Algae in a Lake

Understanding and Tackling Algae Problems in Your Lake

Is your lake suffering from algae issues? Whether it's due to lawn chemicals or overgrowths, it's crucial to address the problem promptly. Uncontrolled algae build up can turn your water scummy, making it smell and taste unpleasant, and affecting the fish living in it.

To get rid of algae, you must understand what it is, its various types, and methods of extermination.

What is Algae?

Algae is the blanket term for various organisms making oxygen using photosynthesis. These are primitive, uni- and multicellular organisms found in both fresh and seawater. Certain features like the lack of roots, stems and leaves make them distinguishable from land plants.

Algae Benefits

Despite their nature, algae are good because they consume carbon dioxide. They convert oxygen into the air as a result. Unicellular algae account for over 50% of the world’s oxygen supply.

When used properly, algae are good biofuel sources.

You might ask, “does algae get rid of waste in the lake?” The answer is yes, as long as it’s in moderate amounts.

So, how does algae get rid of waste? It’s through removing harmful elements from wastewater, such as nitrogen and phosphorus.

Algae Drawbacks

Algae overgrowth can block out sunlight, preventing it from reaching your lake’s underwater inhabitants. They also decrease oxygen levels in the water. Once they die, their debris will release nitrogen into the water.

Algal blooms are poisonous to wildlife in the water and surrounding areas. It often causes fish kills because the water quality is a lot lower.

The Toxic Algae Cycle

Types of Algae

Around 1 million species of algae exist in the world. However, it’s exhausting to deal with everything at once. It’s why we simplified them into five primary categories:

1. Euglenophyta

This algae type has chloroplasts and can make their food through photosynthesis. You can find it in both fresh and saltwater environments. Unlike other algae types, they have no cell walls.

Instead, they have a protein-rich layer called a pellicle. Their habitats are their food source, feeding on other unicellular organisms and other foods rich in carbon.

2. Green Algae

Most algae in this category inhabit freshwater environments. However, some make saltwater environments like the ocean their home. They have flagella, enabling them to eat organic matter in surrounding areas.

Green algae also have chloroplasts, allowing them to process food alone. They’re either unicellular or multicellular organisms. Some of these include horsehair algae and sea lettuce.

3. Golden-Brown Algae and Diatoms

This algae type is one of the most widespread unicellular species around. Over 100,000 species exist in both salt and freshwater environments. Of these, diatoms are the most abundant in the ocean as various plankton species.

Golden-brown algae cells are small at 50 micrometers. In ocean environments, their rate of reproduction is faster than in diatoms.

4. Fire Algae

These unicellular organisms are mostly in saltwater environments. Only a handful make freshwater habitats. They use flagella to move in the water.

Fire algae have two types: cryptomonads and dinoflagellates. Some fire algae species light the ocean through bioluminescence. They make neurotoxins harmful to both humans and other organisms.

5. Yellow-Green Algae

These are some of the rarest unicellular organisms. They only have about 450 to 650 species around. They have silica and cellulose cell walls with two flagella for movement.

They have a lighter green appearance because of the lack of chloroplast pigmentation. They’re common in freshwater habitats. However, a few species live in saltwater environments.

What Gets Rid of Algae?

Controlling algal blooms is a severe challenge, especially for big ponds and lakes. All current algal bloom treatment methods have advantages and disadvantages. Some aren’t safe for the environment, while others can get expensive.

To prevent algal blooms from happening, here are some algae control options:

1. Ultrasonic Algae Control

Ultrasounds are sound wave frequencies above the limit of normal human hearing (22kHz). Some frequencies prevent algae from growing.

During the day, algae photosynthesize in the top layer. They use gas vesicles to control depth and buoyancy. They dissolve carbon dioxide and nutrients in the water to make oxygen and polysaccharides.

At night, they sink to the bottom by emptying their vacuole. They use oxygen and other nutrients to make biomass. How does ultrasound relate to all these facts?

Ultrasound waves make a sound layer at the topmost layer of the lake water. It impacts algae buoyancy, making them sink to the bottom. There, they can’t photosynthesize because of the lack of light, dying eventually.

To maintain efficiency, specific frequency programs are necessary. Your choice depends on the kind of algae inhabiting your lake. For example, the process of how to get rid of blue-green algae is different from green algae.

Also, algae can adapt to the sound waves depending on the season. It’s why you must adjust your frequencies now and then. It’s the best move for long-term algal control.


Algal control with ultrasound is a widespread technology. It’s effective for preventing green and blue-green algae growth. It’s friendly and harmless to both flora and fauna in the area.

It’s a viable method for both small and large lakes. It comes with real-time water quality tracking to predict when algal blooms happen.


The ultrasound must cover the entire lake surface. Treat each spatial spot for a minimum period to ensure full efficiency.

2. Chemical Control

Controlling algae using chemical additives involves alum, lanthanum, and other products. They either precipitate or sequester ionized orthophosphates. Algaecides often use copper-based compounds like copper sulfate, copper chelate communes, and chemical Endothall.


Treating the entire surface means having an effective method to kill algae. The type of algae won’t matter once these substances are in the water. Sometimes, these come with compounds that prevent its future growth.


Depending on your algaecide choice, they can be expensive and regular dosing. Use them with care since it causes algal cell rupture. When it happens, it triggers toxin release into the water.

Rapidly decaying algal blooms can make the water full of algal toxins. It’s dangerous for both fish and plants. If used carelessly, it has significant long-lasting effects on the ecological balance of the lake.

To ensure you’re using the best products, try our Black Pack Max package. It’s great for handling algae problems, regardless of the scale. It’s safe and does a lot to improve your lake’s ecosystem, smell, and aesthetics.

MetaFlocAdditionally, consider incorporating our MetaFloc Biological Clarifier & Phosphorus Binder Treatment. This powerful solution works in tandem with the Black Pack Max to further enhance water clarity and reduce phosphorus levels, which are often a key contributor to algae growth.

Together, these products create a more balanced and healthier aquatic environment, ensuring your lake remains pristine and visually appealing.

3. Aeration

Lakes must have healthy levels of dissolved oxygen. It helps to break decaying vegetation and other nutrients present in the water. At the bottom, microbes break the silt.

Both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria contribute to the decomposition process. Aerobic decomposition requires oxygen to function. It becomes more intense when dissolved oxygen concentrations are near saturated levels.

Aerobic bacteria decomposition produces carbon dioxide. As for anaerobic decomposition, it’s a slower process. It produces organic compounds like alcohol.


Aeration is friendly to the environment. It revitalizes water bodies by increasing the levels of oxygen in the water. Aeration systems are better alternatives than chemical use when making a healthier lake ecosystem.

Check our AirStream Pro and Kasco Surface Aerator for more details. These aerators are great for both large ponds and lakes.


Depending on your choice, maintenance and labor costs can get expensive. It functions more as a means of preventing algae growth instead of killing them. It needs treatment for the entire lake surface.

4. Mixing

This method circulates water to destratify your lake. It often circulates the Epilimnion and Metalimnion for natural algae control. It gets rid of iron, manganese, and anoxic odors in the Hypolimnion layer.

Doing all these makes algae growth harder in some layers.


Artificial circulation is a more environment-friendly method of getting rid of algae. It’s more effective if your lake is deeper. On average, that means a depth of 15 meters or more.


Circulating water requires high maintenance costs. It also has varying results when algal blooms happen. It often affects the surface layers close to the destratifiers.

5. Algae Skimmers

Algae skimmers are essential tools for removing floating algae from the surface of your water body. These devices efficiently collect and remove algae, preventing it from decomposing and releasing nutrients back into the water, which could promote further algae growth. By consistently using algae skimmers, you can maintain clearer and healthier water.


  • Efficiency: Algae skimmers provide a quick and effective method for removing algae from the surface, helping to improve the aesthetic appeal of your lake or pond.
  • Prevention: Regular use of skimmers helps prevent the buildup of organic matter, reducing the likelihood of future algae blooms.
  • Low Environmental Impact: This method is environmentally friendly as it does not involve chemicals or alter the natural water chemistry.


Waterbug Remote Control Skimmer

  • Maintenance: Algae skimmers require regular maintenance to ensure they operate efficiently. This can include cleaning the skimmer and occasionally replacing parts.
  • Surface Limitation: Skimmers are primarily effective on the water's surface and may not address algae problems below the surface layers.
  • Initial Cost: The initial investment in a high-quality algae skimmer can be significant, although it pays off in long-term benefits.

For a cost-effective solution, consider the Lake and Pond Algae Net Skimmer. This skimmer is designed to efficiently remove floating algae without breaking the bank. Its durable construction ensures long-lasting performance, making it an economical choice for maintaining the clarity and health of your water body.

If you are looking for more advanced and convenient options, the Waterbug Aquatic Weed Harvester and theWaterGator Remote Controlled Aquatic Harvester are excellent choices. These remote-controlled, battery-powered skimmers offer enhanced convenience and efficiency, making algae removal a breeze. While they come at a higher price point, their advanced features and ease of use provide significant long-term benefits for maintaining a pristine aquatic environment.

How to Reduce Algae in Pond

To ensure its freshness, learn how to maintain your lake to prevent algae growth. Use a lake muck and weed blower for your lake shorelines to sweep muck and sludge. Here are some tips:

1. Be Careful with Fertilizers

A nice green lawn with healthy plants can make your lake house more desirable. However, the fertilizer for your garden can make algae bloom faster. Avoid fertilizers if your garden is close to the lake.

2. Don’t Use Soaps Near the Lake

Keep biodegradable and organic soaps from your lake. Use a bucket for your wash water and bury it. It enables bacteria in the soil to break various contaminants and prevent algae growth.

3. Never Use Garburators

Garburators put food waste into the water system. It loads nutrients into lakes because of water treatment plants. Use land composting methods for your kitchen waste.

Get Rid of Algae Now!

Preventing algal blooms preserves the beauty and ecosystem of your lake. Get rid of algae whenever they become too much using the methods above.

Do you need help with your algae problem? Check our contact details and call us today.

23rd Mar 2024 Weeders Digest

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